Kira Grogg · this is what i do

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Blog Archive for November, 2014

Halloween 2014

02 November, 2014

I made a few Halloween decorations for a party, but no carved pumpkins this year :(

Decorations include ghost fridge, Frankencandle, and a ghost bag (which held spare costumes for people too lame to show up in one).

These simply involved markers, paper cutouts, and lots of double sided tape. I love double sided tape!

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Space Science

23 November, 2014

Okay, so this is only sort of space science. Really this is just a cool gif and an amusing picture I came across on imgur that really spoke to me. They both provide valuable insight into the size of earth and the universe.

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Migrated blog

25 November, 2014

I've migrated my blog to integrate it into the rest of my website and break free of Wordpress.  The wordpress blog is still up, but no longer active.  I wanted a simpler platform for creating posts.  They are so rare that Wordpress seems a bit overkill, so I made my own little blogging system.

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